Principal's Welcome
Welcome to RJA, one of the exceptional schools found in the South Atlantic Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. We are excited to partner with you to bring quality, standards-based Adventist education.
RJA is unlike any public or charter school. We have teachers working on innovative, cutting-edge processes with a tried and true blueprint for success dating back to 1853 with the first Adventist school, and then formalizing a world-wide system in 1874, under a divine command to rightly train an army of youth.
While each of our schools are unique, they are shaped by our shared mission to show children Jesus, nurture their love for Him and others, teach them to think, and empower them to serve. RJA is a part of the South Atlantic system of Adventist schools and participates in a process that will serve as our road map for ensuring that individual students know Jesus as their personal, loving Savior, and they will be able to reach their full, God-given potential.
You may hear us speak about rigor and relevance. When we speak of rigor, we are promising to hold high expectations for our educators, communities, and students, supporting our children to reach high levels of learning. Relevance is likened to joyful learning. It is showing children how education is a thrilling experience that is pertinent for us today. These two value-added propositions help us to be culturally responsive to not only our national heritage, but our unique Adventist values.
We believe you will see how we are working to maximize our value-added benefits. We work hard to offer resources and opportunities that support total student development. We are proud that our students, who are tested at the beginning of the year, against end of year standards, are performing so well. You are a valued partner in Adventist Christian Education. We look forward to working with you in the years ahead.
Wayna Gray,
Ramah Jr. Academy

Ramah Highlights
Produced in the United States for the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), The Blueprint is a collection of short features about students and teachers who form an extraordinary network of schools operated by Seventh-day Adventists.

Our History

Ramah, a name chosen after one of the schools of the prophets established in Biblical times by the prophet Samuel, first opened its doors in as a seat of learning in 1914 in Savannah, Georgia. The school, then a large, one-room structure, was erected on Victory Drive and had an enrollment of seven students of all faiths.